100% Worry-Free Peace of Mind Guarantee

Only the most qualified, trustworthy sellers are part of our network, and we vet them for superior service.

We guarantee that your tickets will be legitimate, arrive in time for the event, be the exact tickets you ordered or comparable alternatives, and be completely refunded if the event is cancelled. If your experience falls short of these expectations, you’re covered by our 100% Money-Back Guarantee.

We are a resale marketplace, not the ticket seller.

Prices are set by third-party sellers and may be above or below face value.

Your seats are together unless otherwise noted.

All prices are in USD.

We Stand Behind You 100%

Whether you are buying or selling tickets on our website, we safeguard your transaction.

You will receive a 100% refund for your tickets if:

Your order was accepted but not delivered by the seller.
Your order was accepted but not shipped in time for the event.
Your tickets were not valid for event entry. Please Read (1)
Your event is cancelled and is not rescheduled. Please Read (2)

Please Note:

(1) Verified proof must be provided in letter form from the venue. Written or stamped “voids” do not constitute verified proof.

(2) 100% refund for a cancelled event does not include shipping charges.

Our 100% Worry-Free Buyer Guarantee

Learn more about our guarantee >

Providing Safe and Secure Transactions

Our Verified Tickets guarantee a secure and safe, more enjoyable live event experience.

Providing Fans First-Rate Customer Support and Dependability Since 1984!